Multiply Your Impact

Your Acceleration Group™ with David Sherrod

David Sherrod

Your Acceleration Group™

It's time for something different

Working alone to move forward, especially when nature is conspiring to keep us physically apart, doesn't work for me.  Or, if you're here, for you.

Better Together

Here's the idea. We are social creatures.  We work better together, when we can share ideas and challenges.  When we give of ourselves (our knowledge, our energy, our ideas) we get so much more in return.

As solopreneurs and entrepreneurs of small businesses, we don't have lots of opportunities to talk about the things that aren't going right, much less really celebrate the things that are going phenomenally well.

So let's do something about it to help ourselves and each other. 

What exactly?  I created a combination of a mastermind group where we all work together, combined with one-to-one coaching to ensure you and your business get the maximum benefits possible.

Life is about us, or in this case, you!

Your Executive Board
Maybe not as large as NATO, but the other members of Your Acceleration Group (your cohort) will serve as your Executive Board, offering their knowledge, insights, and support as your grow your business.

Your Board is there to help you. And you're there to be a Board member for others in your cohort. Trust me, you'll learn from both experiences!

Your Sounding Board
As you work through ideas for your business, with input from your Executive Board, you can see which notes strike a chord with your Sounding Board.  Yes, it's the same people - but through active facilitation and coaching (from me), you'll have the opportunity to "try out" new marketing material or business offerings with real people to see what lands pleasantly on their ears and eyes.

Full Support
Between meetings of Your Acceleration Group, you'll have access to a Slack channel where additional support from your cohort and coach is present. 

You'll also have direct access to me, as your coach, even outside of our 1:1 sessions.

All of this is designed to keep you moving forward and progressing toward your business goals.

Mastermind Component

 We get together twice a month to celebrate our success and share our ideas.  Unlike other mastermind groups, you're not responsible for leading the group or coming up with material; I do that.  You show up and grow.

As peers you represent a sounding board and a focus group for each other.  You help one another through the various aspects of running your businesses.  Without trying to sell to one another.  We support each other in our growth.  We share ideas to help everyone, even as we get help ourselves.

As your coach, I challenge your perspective and any limiting beliefs, to help you in real time with your ideas.

Individual Focus Coaching

Once or more per month* you meet with me individually for a private one-to-one coaching experience. It's like your own personal business trainer. We work on you, on your business, on your agenda. We discuss what's happening for you in the Mastermind sessions, and how you can include it as a significant part of your toolset as you move forward on your journey.

We design actions for you to take, how to best utilize Your Acceleration Group as an Executive Board and Sounding Board, and work through all of the things that come up as your business grows.
* You select the frequency that fits your needs!

This magical combination of group and individual coaching serves up many benefits for you:
  • By helping others in the group, you grow yourself. 
  • You get their perspectives and experience to add to your own. 
  • You get accountability from others in your cohort. 
  • You get the benefit of a professional certified coach facilitating the group process who is truly focused on your success. 
  • And you get individualized attention to sharpen the experience and propel you to action.
Participate as long as it's good for you.  I ask for a 3 month minimum commitment, to allow the group time to really form, and for the actions we co-create to yield results. After 3 months if you've gotten everything you need, go and do great things in the world!  If you want to participate in Your Acceleration Group a little longer, or much longer, you can.

There's no catch.  And participation is as little as $600 per month.  This includes the full Mastermind Component and one monthly Individual Focus Coaching session.

Schedule a session with me to learn more and design your participation in Your Acceleration Group™.

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