50x50 Alchemist Foundry™ - 2024

The Alchemist Foundry™ Update cohort

I'm updating the Alchemist Foundry™ and the Alchemist Journal together.  Participants in this "Update" cohort will experience the full power of defining their aspiration (short or long term) and making changes around them to fully support realizing that aspiration in the world - using an existing Alchemist Journal and/or draft pages of the planned update during the program.

Participants experience:
  • An altered understanding of what’s possible in your life as you see the changes you implement daily.
  • Group support from the founding cohort (you and others) of this life-changing group coaching program.
  • Personalized support from me relating to the changes you’re making in your life.
  • Group Coaching led by an ICF-credentialed professional certified coach, mentor coach, and coach instructor.
  • Life-long knowledge of how to make changes in your life that truly support your intended results.
I’m looking to enjoin a small group of individuals in this special cohort. You could be one of them! There are some commitments you need to make:
  • To participate fully in a group coaching program designed to help you alter a significant aspect of your life.
  • To use the Alchemist Journal daily, and this community space regularly, as tools to do so.
  • To attend a 90-minute group coaching session every week, for 12 weeks.
  • To provide feedback about the Alchemist Journal and the Alchemist Foundry™ group coaching experience to me (so that these tools can be improved). Know that your inputs will positively impact thousands of people - everyone who uses an  updated Alchemist Journal, and all of the people they interact with in the world.
  • To provide testimonials about the program and the Alchemist Journal.
The benefit you gain from participation is immeasurable. Your life will change.

I know this because everything that’s in this program is established and I’ve personally used for years. The Alchemist Journal has 2+ years of supporting successful change behind it. The material in the program I’ve taught (and updated) for 4 years and been working with for 6 - and it was created in the last century!

It wouldn't be odd to consider this a course, actually. And it’s also an experience.  You will learn and think differently even if you take no action.  You will see changes, and change, when you do take action - in ways that will surprise and delight you.  This isn’t hyperbole!  I’ve seen the very real impact of this material in the lives of many humans, including myself!

This is also a group experience.  So while the material (including the Alchemist Journal) is the same for everyone, you bring your unique self to the cohort.  Sharing your experiences will solidify them and help others. Hearing the experiences of others will prime your own creative juices.

Ultimately, even with support, you walk your own unique and beautiful journey:
  • You’ll create your own personal manifesto that reflects you and your aspirations.
  • You’ll work through your own environments, craft your own experiments, take your own actions, and capture your own reflections, learnings, and growth.
And because it’s a cohort, you’re not actually alone. Others, including me, will be supporting you on your journey.

Together, we create.
Together, we recreate ourselves.

Alchemist Foundry™ 2024 Invitation ONE_TIME

USD 1,495.00

Program journey

01 - The Pursuit

1 Session 1 hr30 mins
  • Alchemist Foundry™ 01 - The Pursuit

    Cohort Coaching Session will be planned for 7 days after Journey Launch

02 - The Design

1 Session 1 hr30 mins
  • Alchemist Foundry™ 02 - The Design

    Cohort Coaching Session will be planned for 7 days after Last Session

03 - 11 - Altering Our Environments

9 Sessions 13 hr30 mins

12 - The Response

1 Session 1 hr30 mins


1 Session 1 hr30 mins
  • Alchemist Foundry™ - Closure

    Cohort Coaching Session will be planned for 1 week after Last Session